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[綜合討論] 晶片鑰匙從新設定
   easywind2003 (Envy)

文章 358
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新北市 土城區 
發表於 2013-10-25 05:07 PM 
MarxChang 發表:
我也是買中古的小佛   之前因自己換鑰匙電池不小 ...

FORD Focus (Radio 3 Button) - Key Remote Programming
1. Switch Ignition On/Off (II/0) 4 times within 6 seconds until a sound is made.
2. Press any button on Remote until a sound is made.
3. To program additional Remotes, repeat after 2 seconds after the sound.
4. Turn Ignition On/Off to exit.
5. A maximum of 4 remotes can be programmed.


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