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[哈拉打屁區] 請教Ford Escape 4WD 前輪打滑後多久後輪動力會增加?
   godel.chen (阿良)

文章 59
用戶失蹤天數 545
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新北市 汐止區 來自 新北市汐止區
發表於 2013-5-15 02:00 AM 
之前似乎有車友實際測試, 根據wiki關於control trac II介紹, 並沒有提到時間, 但是對於control trac提到,


If it sensed as little as half an rpm difference between the front and rear axles, it sent a power signal to the multi-disc clutch. The clutch engaged, diverting torque to the front axle in 10 percent increments, until it alleviated the drive wheel slip. As a result, the system could control runaway drive wheel speed in as little as a third of a wheel revolution.



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