外加一點, 雖然大部份人及車廠都認為是正常現象.
就是ST的電子方向盤輔助, 在高速公路直線時, 維持巡航似乎有些費力.
感覺就像, 方向盤正中方向有很強的牽引力,
當你試著左右修正時, 會因為這牽引力而轉動太多.
說太多, 其實也就 1度左右的事而已, 我相信要修正小於 1度 對大部份人都不是很容易吧?
於是因為小圈數的方向盤設定, 又得往另一方向修正, 一開始不習慣, 開起來就像左飄右飄的.
尤其背後被跟車時, 有種說不出的不安定感.
找了找國外論壇, 有三種結論.
1) 正常現象, 如同大部份人所認為的, 因為胎寬問題加上前驅車特性.
2) 歐規 2014 ST, 有某個神密的電腦參數被關掉, 但找不到更多資料有關這所謂的 camber assist steering.
a camber assist steering (PDCiirc)so if the road cambers left the car automatically steers right
It's gets quite annoying on long runs as it makes my wrists hurt and also makes you look drunk while driving
But after so many complaints in the UK all new ST's come with it turned OFF as std now
an automatic road-cant correction "feature" that ford later disabled from the factory.
The car would try to make it self stay in a straight line while cruising on the highway,
by detecting how much of a camber the road surface had and correcting for it.
3) 更換方向機,
猜測是方向機出廠的紐力值不一, 主因是ST剛出廠的零件管控不太穩定,
但更換方向機,需車廠認同問題才可能, 所以即便在國外, 成功說服原廠更換的案例也不多.