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[綜合討論] 請教2.0Ecoboost 的Blufin外掛
   bigbear1103 (大熊)

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臺北市 北投區 來自 台北市
發表於 2013-12-2 02:40 PM 
英國改裝大廠Supechips出品的Bluefin外掛 很多福特車主在用 小弟想請教是否已經有Kuga 2.0車主安裝使用? 因為曾寫信問英國原廠 原廠回信表示Kuga在英國幾乎大家都買柴油版 因此還沒有機會測試與開發ecoboost的bluefin外掛版 他建議我可以試試已經開發出來的Mondeo 2.0 ecoboost的外掛版 不會有任何損害 但有可能bluebin插了以後 判別不出車種

連帶請教Mondeo有裝bluefin外掛的車友大大們 可否分享安裝後的心得感想 感激不盡!

以下是英國原廠的回信內容 請參:

Dear David,

Thank you for your enquiry.

The Ford Mondeo club MSC is actively selling bluefins in Taiwan, so I think you can assume that if it comes from them it will be genuine.

However, we do not list bluefin for the Kuga 2.0 Ecoboost. The reason is very simple - they are very rare in the UK because nearly everyone buys a diesel version, and we have not had the opportunity to test bluefin on the Ecoboost model and add it into the range.

If you want to try it, it will do no harm, but possibly the bluefin will not recognise the car when it tries to communicate with it.

Kind regards,


I love Kuga! 

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