除了FORD原廠機油外,英國福特原廠推薦Castrol Magnatec Professional A5 5W-30機油有WSS-M2C-913-C認證,也都只對應ACEA A5/B5的認證而已
ARAL HighTronic F 5W-30跟據官網的資料只對應到 ACEA A1/B1
API SL / CF; ACEA A1 , B1 Ford WSS-M2C913-B ( ..913A , 912-A1); M2C 912-A1; ILSAC GF-3
符合ACEA A5/B5認證的機油,同時也可符合WSS-M2C-913-C認證標準
符合ACEA A1/B1認證的機油,同時也可符合WSS-M2C-913-B認證標準
再來看看曾經是FORD 集團下的VOLVO機油推薦表有寫到
A5/B5 works perfectly even where ACEA
A1/B1 or WSS-M2C913-B is prescribed.
ACEA A5/B5 認證的機油,可完全取代引擎需要ACEA A1/B1 或 FORD-WSS-M2C913-B認證的機油
ACEA A1/B1為舊機油規格給舊柴油車(無柴油共軌)使用(1996年開始製定ACEA A1/B1機油規範),ACEA A5/B5為新機油規格適用柴油共軌加上柴油直接噴入汽缸引擎(2002年才開始製定)
ACEA A1/B1-08---->2008年的新ACEA A1/B1新機油標準才是使用德國福斯及賓士柴油共軌加上柴油直接噴入汽缸的引擎來測試機油是否符合標準
所以選用ACEA A1/B1 的機油要選用有通過ACEA A1/B1 2008年機油規範的機油,才能用於柴油共軌加上柴油直接噴入汽缸的新式引擎!
ACEA A5/B5機油認證標準又比ACEA A1/B1高
ACEA A5/B5 機油損失率要求高,也就是機油減少的量要低
ACEA C3相容的個大車廠機油認證規格
ACEA C3=GM Dexos2=MB229.31/229.51=BMW Longlife-04=VW 504/507
Ford WSS-M2C-913-B = ACEA A1 /B1-->ACEA A3/B3的省油版本(可用ACEA A3/B3代替ACEA A1/B1只是比較耗油)
Ford WSS-M2C-913-C =ACEA A5 /B5---->ACEA A3/B4的省油版本(可用ACEA A3/B4代替ACEA A5/B5只是比較耗油)
Ford WSS-M2C-913-C (新規格)向下相容於Ford WSS-M2C-913-B(舊規格)
福特的cDPF的原廠機油認證 FORD WSS-M2C-934-A =ACEA C1-->ACEA C4的省油版本
Ford WSS-M2C913-A--> Engine oil, Initial and service fill, SAE 5W-30. This specification meets the ILSAC GF-2 and ACEA A1-98 and B1-98 and additional Ford requirements.
Ford WSS-M2C913-B--> The Ford M2C913-B specification is released in Europe for initial fill engine oils used for lubrication of spark ignition engines using gasoline and for compression ignition engines using diesel fuels. The specification is also used to define engine oils for servicing Ford engines where applicable. The oil shall meet all the requirements of the ILSAC GF-2 and GF-3 specification, the ACEA A1-98 and B1-98 specification and additional Ford requirements.
Ford WSS-M2C913-C--> Fully backwards compatible and is strongly recommended for all applications that currently require the specification Ford M2C913-B. The new engine oil provides various benefits to the customer such as improved fuel economy benefits and high robustness to biodiesel fuels.
Ford WSS- M2C917-A--> Viscosity SAE 5W40 engine oil for pump injector diesel engines.
Ford WSS-M2C934-A--> Extended drain engine oil for vehicles equipped with diesel particulate filter (DPF).