我的06進口柴也亮燈,但我用OBD 2把它消燈繼續開
我問了英國賣家,他說<Hi, on the odd car, the engine management light will come on ( this is mentioned in the listing). It will not harm, or damage the engine. If the fault code is cleared 2 or 3 times, it some times will not return, as the engine management learns that it is OK. I hope this is a help, and rests your fears.
Regards Bertye>
google翻譯的意思< 嗨,奇怪的車,發動機管理系統的光來(這是中提到的上市)。它不會傷害,或損壞發動機。如果故障的代碼將被清除的2或3倍,它有時不會返回,作為發動機管理獲悉它是確定的。我希望這是一個幫助,依靠自己的恐懼。