張威尊 發表:
你說對了, 沒有新版 DS 程式對應的狀況 ...
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Engine Tuning
Water/methanol injection is generally not considered a bolt-on power adder for forced induction
gasoline applications. Engine tuning is usually required in order to maximize potential power
gain. Water/methanol injection allows for a more aggressive tune to be used while still using
pump gas as your base fuel.
水噴射一般來說, 並不屬於 "直上即有效" 的動力改裝品. 要用水噴射, 引擎程式通常需要搭配
Using a 50/50 mix of water/methanol is recommended for the best combination of air charge
cooling and detonation control.
酒精水建議使用 50 : 50 的比例, 可對空氣冷卻跟降低爆震達到最佳化.
With conservative boost and timing, establish a base AFR that is one point higher than your final
target AFR. For example, if your final target AFR with water/methanol injection is 11.0:1, set your
base AFR to 12.0:1. Once the base AFR has been set, start injecting water/methanol and adjust
the injection flow rate to achieve your final target AFR.
關於引擎程式的調整, 一般的調法是, 在固定增壓值與點火正時的條件下, 先把目前的空燃比往上調 1,
例如, 目前的空燃比是 11.0 : 1, 那就先把空燃比調到 12.0 : 1, 然後開啟水噴射系統, 邊調整水噴量,
邊觀察空燃比, 直到空燃比降回 11.0 : 1 為止.
For example, if before injection your base AFR is 12.0:1 and then during injection your AFR drops
to 10.5:1, reduce the water/methanol flow rate until your final target AFR is reached.
另外一個例子, 假如你目前的空燃比是 12.0 : 1, 當打開水噴射之後, 你發現空燃比掉到 10.5 : 1,
那麼你就要減少噴水量, 邊減少邊觀察, 直到空燃比回到 12.0 : 1 為止.
It is generally recommended that the flow rate of the injection system be changed in order to
reach your target AFR and NOT your primary fueling.
AEM 建議你, 一定是將水噴量調整到適當範圍, 以維持原本的空燃比. 而不是過度的加大水噴量
, 企圖將酒精水成為主要的燃料, 以獲得更大的動力.
Injection flow rate adjustments can be made by changing your nozzle selection or by adjusting
the “Start PSI” and “Full PSI” settings. Once the injection flow rate is set to deliver your desired
final AFR, boost and ignition timing can be increased to take advantage of the additional air charge
cooling and detonation control.
AEM 的水噴產品, 噴水量是靠噴頭的 Size 跟 Boost Controller 來搭配進行設定. 一旦你調整出正確
的水噴量, 意即打開水噴系統時, 還能維持原本的空燃比. 那麼近氣溫度的冷卻跟爆震程度都將獲得
When injecting the correct amount, a 50/50 mix of water/methanol has been shown to provide
an effective octane of over 110 when using a base fuel of 91-93 octane pump gas. A properly
tuned water/methanol injection system will usually support a typical “race gas” engine tune.
經過適當調整的水噴射系統, 可以讓 91-93 無鉛汽油, 發揮出 110 無鉛汽油的效果. 如果你的程式
有對應 110 無鉛汽油的版本, 用 93 無鉛 + 水噴射, 也可以對應這個版本.