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[ST LINE] 中太丟車事件 ST-Line公函正式版
   Michael0825 (Michael)

文章 1728
用戶失蹤天數 4347
點數 0   戰績 0   改裝 0   故障 0
臺北市 松山區 來自 台北(ST-Line)
發表於 2008-4-2 10:24 AM 
其實已說明過這份公函形式的文件不是法律文件, 也不是存證信函,
計畫以ST-Line名義發公函, 主要目的是希望福特六和公司介入處理並表達車友團體的訴求 !

其部門經理也立即和車主連絡, 並表達願意協調處理的誠意..

文件格式並不是重點, 重要的是我們的訴求是不是清楚完整的表達..
目前看來這份文件初步的目的已經達到了 !

其實 FSC ST-Line 並不是正式登記成立的法人團體, 以 ST-Liine 發公函的確有點怪,
但是無論如何這並不影響我們對此事件的訴求 !

如果中太公司處理方案讓小鄧不滿意, 我們會擬定下一步對策的 !

   terence_wu (夏侯惇)

文章 78
用戶失蹤天數 1985
點數 0   戰績 0   改裝 0   故障 0
高雄市 三民區 來自 KAO.,Taiwan
發表於 2008-4-2 12:40 PM 
原帖由 Michael0825 於 2008-4-2 10 AM 發表
其實已說明過這份公函形式的文件不是法律文件, 也不是存證信函,
計畫以ST-Line名義發公函, 主要目的是希望福特六和公司介入處理並表達車友團體的訴求 !

目前福特六和公司客服部收到ST-Line的這份文件之後 ...

集結所有 FSC 車友
至中太的各地營業所及保修廠進行每班二個小時, 一天四到五個班次的輪流站崗

   台北Mark (阿基)

Focus 2.0
文章 4415
用戶失蹤天數 327
點數 10   戰績 0   改裝 4   故障 0
臺北市 南港區 
發表於 2008-4-9 06:40 AM 


From: FOCUS Sport Club ST-Line vehicle owner club

To: Ford Lio Ho Motor Company

Primary purpose:
This is a announcement regard to one of your authorized dealer(CHUNG TAI motor Company).Their maintenance department lose a vehicle while the vehicle was in process of maintaining
1. Mr.Deng, who is a FOCUS ST owner, delivered his vehicle to the service department for maintaining in 02/2008, after several weeks of waiting for parts arriving and repairing, the service department unexpectedly told the vehicle owner that the vehicles was stolen. Afterwards the vehicle owner reported immediately to the police, and then this authorized dealer was inquired by the vehicle owner and they finally admitted that the maintenance department has not established any surveillance video recording equipment. In addition, the night before the vehicle was stolen. The maintenance department did not activate the security system after turning it off. Besides, the vehicle’s key was left alone in the vehicle after the maintenance work was done.

2. This kind of poor management behavior was absurd and unacceptable. This dealer ignored the importance of customer vehicle’s security. It was an extremely odd situation and it also disobeyed the common sense. Also, it seems to provide an easy access for thief to steal vehicles easily.

3. After this dealer lost the vehicle, the processes of their response was lack of sincerity and carelessly. After a week, the dealer just let the insurance company to handle this situation until March 18. They still not took this problem seriously.
On March 24, this dealer only provides a secondary plan. They refuse to compensate a same model car because they stated that there is no one left. They also refuse to provided the accurate amount of money that has an equal value of the stolen vehicle,

4. The main policy of your company is to take care of  customer's degree of satisfaction and  provides a professional service quality (Quality Care).However,this authorized dealer of your company totally ignores customer’s right. This situation happened already three weeks; this dealer just repeatedly delayed the process and tried to avoid this problem. Actually, they still does not have compensates owner’s loss at all.

5. This vehicle-losing accident is totally unacceptable by general vehicle owner. People cannot believe this situation and absolutely cannot accept the matter. In order to protect our consumer rights and avoids further damages that cause by this situation to your company. We require that you to send some higher managers who can take care of this problem as soon as possible.
This dealer’s maintenance department has the following several unacceptable errors:
1.        Vehicles key was left alone on the vehicle
2.         After turning off the security system, the service department did not activate the security system again, it causes thief can drive the vehicle away easily.
3.        The service department does not have any surveillance video recording equipment.
Therefore, the vehicle owner requests the dealer to compensate a same model FOCUS ST new vehicle and compensates the additional amount of money of aftermarket parts that the owner purchased and installed on the vehicle.
Your company should subscribe establish proper procedure for each vehicle which enters maintenance service department and hands over standard of operational procedure for each vehicle. In addition, strictly requests your respective dealers to improve management system correctly. Also try to avoid this vehicle-losing problem again. Therefore, our general vehicle owners can return to the original factory maintenance department for repairing or maintaining without any scary in the future.  

   Michael0825 (Michael)

文章 1728
用戶失蹤天數 4347
點數 0   戰績 0   改裝 0   故障 0
臺北市 松山區 來自 台北(ST-Line)
發表於 2008-4-9 08:56 AM 
阿基真是厲害...  辛苦了 !

   台北Mark (阿基)

Focus 2.0
文章 4415
用戶失蹤天數 327
點數 10   戰績 0   改裝 4   故障 0
臺北市 南港區 
發表於 2008-4-9 10:19 AM 
Michael0825 發表:
阿基真是厲害...  辛苦了 !
真不愧是在國外 ...


   lenin (劣獰)

文章 15475
用戶失蹤天數 1337
點數 9   戰績 0   改裝 0   故障 0
臺北市 內湖區 來自 ST-Line
發表於 2008-4-9 11:10 AM 

   帥可愛 (帥可愛)

Focus ST
文章 5736
用戶失蹤天數 1342
點數 1   戰績 0   改裝 0   故障 0
臺北市 松山區 來自 松山-民生社區
發表於 2008-4-9 12:24 PM 
台北Mark 發表:



   我愛小佛 (Tom)

文章 2156
用戶失蹤天數 3198
點數 0   戰績 0   改裝 0   故障 0
桃園縣 龜山鄉 來自 ST-Line 206
發表於 2008-4-9 01:39 PM 


Sentra 1.6
文章 2200
用戶失蹤天數 1343
點數 0   戰績 0   改裝 0   故障 0
新北市 土城區 來自 ST-line
發表於 2008-4-9 01:42 PM 

   我愛小佛 (Tom)

文章 2156
用戶失蹤天數 3198
點數 0   戰績 0   改裝 0   故障 0
桃園縣 龜山鄉 來自 ST-Line 206
發表於 2008-4-9 02:18 PM 



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