張威尊 發表:
就在大家還對氮化硼機油精有疑慮的同時 ...
Changing the rev limit and removing the speed limiter is a simple matter of altering the values
at a certain address that the ECU accesses. For the speed limiter, Powerchip just replaces the
stock value at that address with something unattainable by the car.
移除轉速限制與速度限制, 這類的修改比較不像所謂的改裝, 其方式只是透過把設定值加大...
例如原廠速限 250, 灌晶片時, 晶片只是把這個值改成 500 (之類的...), 反正這顆引擎幾乎沒有
機會跑道時速 500, 所以對車主而言, 就算是移除速限...
The real tuning (i.e. running the car) happens for the ignition and the wide open throttle (WOT)
fuel tuning.
真正要對動力調整的部分, 實際上是要針對點火跟 "全油門" 時的供油調整... 這通常就要靠上
馬力機或是路測, 去找到最適合的設定...